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Important: Guests require a time slot booking. Anyone without a time slot booked will not be admitted.

See Booking Links Below


Times: Friday, Nov. 1 / 5:00pm-8:00pm  &  Saturday Nov. 2 / 10:00am-1:00pm

Location: MDM Building, 2802-222 St, Bellevue AB

Admission: Suggested Donation at Door to Pass Powderkeg Ski Society or KidSport Crowsnest Pass

Trade-ins / Consignments

Trade-ins / Consignments will be handled entirely by Alpenland and will be at their discretion.  Please see process/options for consignment below.

Equipment will be accepted in one of 2 ways:

1) Trade-In for Store Credit Option: Take Equipment into either of Alpenland‘s locations (Crowsnest Pass or Lethbridge) any time in advance of the Ski Swap.  Depending on the quality/condition of your equipment, Alpenland may offer a credit to be used during the Ski Swap or on in-store Alpenland purchases.


2) Consignment: Bring your gear to the Ski Swap venue (MDM Building) on Friday, Nov. 1 from 3pm-5pm.  Gear will not be accepted past 5pm on Friday.  Depending on the quality/condition of your equipment, you will agree a sales price for Alpenland to consign your equipment at the swap (for 15% commission).  Consignments ($ for sold gear/pickup of unsold gear) must be settled between 12:30pm-1:30pm on Saturday, Nov. 2.

Note: Straight Skis and Helmets will not be accepted.


Crowsnest Nordic Club ‘Kids Loan Program’

The Crowsnest Nordic Club will be set up in the hallway just outside of the gymnasium to hand out equipment for their Kids Ski Loan Program.

Time Slots for this area are SEPARATE from the Ski Swap and need to be booked separately (1 time slot per family unit).  If you wish to participate in both, please ensure that you book a time slot to each event.

Please review the following important information regarding your ski loan appointment:

  • Ski equipment is primarily for ages 4-9.
  • You must be a member of the Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club to loan equipment. You can become a member now at this link http://www.skicrowsnest.ca/membership/ or you can join on the ski loan day. If you choose to join on ski loan day, please bring a credit card to complete the online payment.
  • Priority for equipment loans is given to those enrolled in our ski programs. Registration for ski programs will take place at the time of gear pick up or can be completed in advance by connecting with us at cnpcrosscountry@gmail.com with subject line “Ski Program Registration.”
  • You are required to bring a $100.00 damage deposit per equipment set. Please bring a cheque payable to Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club or cash. We do not accept any other form of payment for the damage deposit.
  • There is an additional $25.00 per child fee for each Bunny Rabbit, Jack Rabbit, or Learn2Train participant. Please bring a cheque payable to Crowsnest Nordic Ski Club or cash. We do not accept any other form of payment for ski program registration.


Volunteers Needed

This event is organized by the Pass Powderkeg Ski Society and requires volunteers to make it happen.  Please consider volunteering a few hours. 


Time Slot Booking

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I need more time than my 30-minute time slot?

  • If you go over your allotted time, it’s no big deal. Capacities are set to allow for more time if needed.

I’m not really sure what equipment I need.  Will there be someone there to help?

  • Absolutely.  Staff from Alpenland and Volunteers will be available to make sure you are set up with the right gear to make the most of this winter.

Can I get my Season Pass?

  • For sure. Both Pass Powderkeg and Castle Mountain Resort will be selling/printing season passes and allowing you to sign waivers.  (For your convenience; Pass Powderkeg Season Passes can be purchased online and photos can be uploaded through created online accounts.  Passes purchased with uploaded photos in advance of the Ski Swap will be available for pickup at this event.)

How can I pay?

  • You can purchase gear or passes at the swap with cash, debit or credit at all vendors.

What services will be available at the event?

  • Pass Powderkeg Ski Society: Information on Society activities and Volunteer Sign-up
  • Alpenland: Gear Sales
  • Boarderline Skate Shop: Gear Sales
  • Pass Powderkeg: Season Pass Sales/Printing & Program Registration
  • Castle Mountain Resort: Information
  • KidSport Crowsnest Pass: Information
  • Crowsnest Nordic Club: Information & Kids Ski Equipment Loan Program handout

What other options are there for finding gear locally?


Nov 1
Nov 2
Event Category:


MDM Building
2802 222 St,
Bellevue, AB
+ Google Map


Pass Powderkeg Ski Society
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